Republic Place

Location: Plano, TX, United States
Size: 107,560 GSF

  1. Architecture

  2. Interior Design

  3. FFE Procurement

  4. Renderings and Animation

The development team at Republic Place engaged BRNS to bring to life a dated and half-occupied office development in need of a refresh. BRNS was specifically asked to rethink the lobby and exterior improvements. Republic Place wanted a high-end modern look that did not alter the form of the existing building, while providing a lasting solution that fixed the large issue of the spalling brick facade. BRNS worked with local structural engineers to design a system to reinforce the current structural framing, while selecting materials such as aluminum composite metal panel and stone cladding that would last the high wind speeds and heavy rainfall common to the area. BRNS provided a dramatic design change to the lobby aimed at attracting high-level tenants and promoting social engagement.


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